Discomfort and distress when consuming hot, cold, sweet, or acidic things isn’t just inconvenient— tooth sensitivity can also be a symptom of a far more serious oral health issue. Working to identify the source of any other contributing factors will help develop a successful treatment plan at Dr. Ellie's Gentle Dentistry.
Oftentimes, tooth sensitivity is related in some way to enamel erosion. This can happen when poor oral hygiene allows the bacteria in your mouth to create a chronic acidic environment. Consuming acidic beverages can escalate the problem. In time, this can form microscopic channels through the enamel to the sensitive dentin layer of the tooth.
To treat the enamel erosion, Dr. Elhameh Allamehzadeh might recommend administering a fluoride treatment followed by the daily use of prescription fluoride supplements.
Cavities on multiple teeth is also a common cause of sensitivity. If you procrastinate having them repaired at Dr. Elhameh Allamehzadeh’s clinic, the sensitivity will persist. In time, it could even lead to tooth loss or a gum infection.
A chronic, untreated sinus infection could also be the culprit behind your tooth sensitivity problems. The pressure in the sinus cavities can apply unnatural pressure to the nerves of your upper teeth. To treat this, you may need to have a prescription decongestant from your primary physician.
If you live in the San Diego, California, area and you are struggling with tooth sensitivity, you should call 619-542-1800 to seek professional diagnosis and treatment from Dr. Elhameh Allamehzadeh.