Are you someone who has questions about routine dental checkups? If so, our dentist, Dr. Elhameh Allamehzadeh, is more than happy to help you. The more you know, the less nervous you might feel during your appointment. So, to help you find the answers you’re looking for, he would like to provide the answers to these commonly asked questions about dental checkups in San Diego, California:
Q: How often do I need to attend my checkups?
A: You need to attend your checkups every six months. But, if you’re a victim of gingivitis or periodontitis, it’s recommended to attend your checkups more often.
Q: How do checkups help me?
A: Checkups can help you by removing the plaque and tartar from your teeth and gumline, strengthening your tooth enamel, whitening the teeth, making sure your oral health is in the best condition possible and more.
Q: Do checkups hurt?
A: No, checkups do not typically cause pain. You might experience some pressure or tingling, but not pain. However, the sensations might be more severe when you have sensitive teeth. So, if you suffer from tooth sensitivity, it’s best to tell our dental team so we can be extra gentle with your smile.
For more information and details about routine dental checkups, please reach out to our dental team at your earliest convenience. All you need to do is contact Dr. Ellie's Gentle Dentistry at 619-542-1800 and we will be more than happy to help you!