Optimum oral health is possible in the twilight years of your life. Your teeth are extremely strong and can easily withstand a lifetime of wear and tear if you take care of them correctly. This includes cleaning your teeth on a daily basis and practicing a healthy diet by eating healthy. Furthermore, always be sure… Read more »
While teaching your young children to learn to brush can be tough, it’s downright impossible, hazardous and not advised for children aged 3 and under. For babies and newborns, you can use dental tissues, also defined as tooth wipes. Tooth tissues should be used after children eat or drink sugary foods like juices or fruit,… Read more »
Have you ever suffered from halitosis, or do you frequently suffer from the disease? Halitosis, also referred to as bad breath, is an oral health condition that arises due to poor dental habits or ailments. Typically, bad breath can be caused by infections in your mouth. In addition, the foods you eat and the habits… Read more »
Your daily oral hygiene routine needs to feature brushing your teeth twice and flossing at least once each day. This simple, yet consistent practice is designed to remove food particles, residual sugars, and plaque from your mouth before they can promote plaque acid build up or harden into tartar. If tartar deposits build up on your… Read more »
At Dr. Ellie's Gentle Dentistry in San Diego, California, we have seen what can happen when people neglect their smiles. This is even more impactful when you have a medical condition which affects your oral health, such as diabetes. To understand how your smile is affected by your health, you have to understand how the… Read more »
Candidiasis, also referred to as thrush or oral thrush when it impacts the oral cavity, is a type of infection caused by Candida, a yeast. Although Candida typically exist in the mouth, they can cause infection if they grow unproportionate to the bacteria in your mouth. Here are some facts you should recognize about candidiasis…. Read more »
Did you know that chewing gum can actually be good for your teeth? It’s true! Chewing sugar-free gum has been proven by many studies to help prevent cavities. Chewing gum does this by promoting saliva production in the mouth. Saliva is the body’s first defense against cavities. It cleans food particles and debris away from… Read more »
The molars and premolars in the back of your mouth play a vital role in chewing and grinding the tough and hard foods you eat. Their ability to do this is thanks in part to the deep pits and fissures in the tooth enamel of the biting surface. Unfortunately, the deep recesses in the tooth… Read more »
If you have stained or yellowed teeth, Dr. Elhameh Allamehzadeh may recommend teeth whitening in San Diego, California. However, it is important to note that not everyone is a candidate for teeth whitening. Before you undergo teeth whitening treatment, it is important that you consider certain factors. Age & Pregnancy Teeth whitening is not recommended… Read more »
Are you aware that mouthwash products can vary greatly and are proficient in creating many different results, even among the same brand of mouthwash? Reliant upon your oral health needs, selecting a mouthwash should take some time and effort to ensure you are getting a product that can meet your guidelines. The excitement of a… Read more »